National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology


Maps-analysis for the current month until today

Mean monthly temperature (°С), December until today

Mean monthly temperature deviation from norm (°С), December until today

Monthly precipitation sums in mm (l/m2), December until today

Monthly precipitation sums in % from norm,December until today

Maps-analysis of the past month and graphs of temperature and precipitation at 4 stations

Average monthly temperature (°С), November

Deviation of the average monthly temperature from the climate norm (°С), November

Monthly precipitation sums in mm (l/m2), November.

Monthly precipitation sums in % from norm,November

Monthly temperature and precipitation trends

(drawn up between the 2nd and the 5th date of the month following the month to which they relate)





Maps-analysis of the past season

Mean seasonal temperature (°С)

Deviation of mean seasonal temperature from norm (°С)

Seasonal precipitation sums in mm (l/m2)

Seasonal precipitation sums in % from norm